Technical points of management of rhubarb early spring

At present, rhubarb sprouts soon, and field management is very important for improving production and improving quality. Some of the main management measures are as follows:

1. Prevent animals from trampling. Rhubarb perennial, buds as big as fists, most afraid of cattle, sheep, pigs, etc., bud damage will seriously affect the growth of the period, resulting in reduced rhubarb production and quality deterioration.

2. Management should be early. Rhubarb is a herbaceous plant for many years. It has a long growing period and early germination. The early spring management must start from germination and proceed early.

3. Combination of topdressing and soil cultivation. Each plant is fully fermented organic fertilizer 1 ~ 1.5 kg, and the soil is about 15 cm high. In areas where farmyard manure is lacking, when using fertilizers, it is forbidden to use ammonium nitrate and urea. Phosphorus and potassium phosphates such as phosphorus diammonium are preferred, and each plant is applied for about 100 grams.

4. Pick up early. In the third year after the rhubarb planting, it is necessary to pick it up. If it is not planted, it is necessary to pick it up in time because it consumes a lot of nutrients and inhibits the root growth of rhubarb. Therefore, after picking, the nutrients can be concentrated, and the photosynthesis products can be transported to the roots and roots to improve the yield and quality of roots and rhizomes. The cockroach is the flowering erect flower stalk at the top, and the picking stalk should be selected on a sunny day. It should be cut off by hand from its roots and the movement must be light, so as not to injure the growth of other petioles. After the excavation is finished, cover the root part with soil in time and set the soil to prevent the rain from pouring into the decaying root from the incision.

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