Liquid ammonia emergency rescue knowledge

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Ammonia, alias: liquid ammonia; ammonia

Special warning:
★ with the air can form explosive mixtures;
★ inhalation can cause toxic pulmonary edema. Can cause eye, skin and respiratory burns;
★ If it is not possible to cut off the leakage of gas, it is not allowed to extinguish the flame at the leak;
★ When handling liquid ammonia, wear cold clothes.

Ammonia chemical formula: molecular formula NH3


Risk category
2.3 toxic gases

Combustion explosion risk
Flammable, capable of forming an explosive mixture with air. Packaging containers heated to explode

Health hazards
Occupational Exposure Limits: PC-TWA 20mg/m3; PC-STEL 30mg/m3
IDLH: 300 pap
Acute toxicity: rat inhaled LC501390mg/m3
Strong irritant gas, strong irritant and corrosive effects on eyes and respiratory tract Acute ammonia poisoning causes eye and respiratory irritation, bronchitis or peribronchitis, pneumonia, and severe poisoning can occur in toxic pulmonary edema. Can cause suffocation due to laryngeal edema and necrosis of the respiratory mucosa. High concentrations of ammonia can cause reflex breathing and cardiac arrest can cause eye and skin burns

environmental impact
Dissolved in water, the pH value rises sharply. It has a strong toxic effect on aquatic organisms. It also has a strong toxic effect on waterfowls. It can cause damage to plants, resulting in symptoms of dry and burning branches and leaves, and in severe cases, the death of plants in water. In the aerobic state, it is easily converted into nitrate by nitrification. Easy to be adsorbed by dirt, sediments, colloids, and will release ammonia again under certain conditions

Physical and chemical properties and uses

Physical and chemical properties
At room temperature and pressure, it is a colorless gas with a strong pungent odor. It can be liquefied at 20°C and 891 kPa and emits a lot of heat. When liquid ammonia changes in temperature, the coefficient of volume change is large. Easily soluble in water. An exothermic neutralization reaction with acid occurs. Corrosion of steel, copper, brass, aluminum, tin, zinc, and their alloys. Boiling point: -33.5°C.
Relative gas density: 0.59
Explosion limit: 15% to 30.2%

Mainly used for the production of fertilizers, nitric acid, ammonium salts, amines. It is also used for the production of drugs and dyes. It is also commonly used as a refrigerant.

Personal protection

Wear a positive pressure air respirator;
Wear built-in heavy chemical protective clothing;
When handling liquid ammonia, wear cold clothes.

Emergency operations

Isolation and public safety
Leakage: When the scope of contamination is unknown, the initial isolation is at least 200m, and the downwind direction is evacuated at least 1000m. Then, gas concentration detection is performed, and the isolation and evacuation distance are adjusted according to the actual concentration of harmful gas.
Fire: If there is a tank, tanker or tanker in the fire, it is 1600m apart.
Ventilation: Consider evacuation of personnel in the area of ​​separation, evacuation of irrelevant personnel, and delineation of the precautionary area.

Leakage treatment

Eliminate all sources of ignition (no smoking near the leak zone, eliminate all open flames, sparks or flames;
Use explosion-proof communication tools;
In the case of ensuring safety, measures such as valve closing and plugging are used to cut off the leakage source;
All equipment should be grounded during operation;
Prevent gas from spreading through the ventilation system or into restricted spaces;
Spraying water dissolves and dilutes leakage gas;
If the cylinder leaks, it can be immersed in water if it cannot be closed;
High concentration leakage area, sprayed with hydrochloric acid to absorb;
Isolate the leak area until the gas has run out;

Fire fighting

Extinguishing agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, spray water, anti-solvent foam;
On the premise of ensuring safety, remove the container from the fire;
It is forbidden to inject water containers;
Damaged cylinders are disposed of by professionals;
Tank fires;
Fire as far away as possible or use a remote control gun or water gun;
Cool the container with plenty of water until the fire is extinguished;
It is forbidden to spray water at leaks and safety devices to prevent freezing;
The container suddenly made an abnormal sound or an abnormal phenomenon and immediately evacuated;
Do not stop at both ends of the tank.

first aid

Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse thoroughly with 2% boric acid or plenty of water.
Eye contact: immediately mention the eyelid, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water or saline for 10 ~ 15min;
Inhalation: quickly from the scene to fresh air. Keep the airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Respiratory, cardiac arrest, and immediate CPR.

This article is edited by China Rescue Equipment Network, please specify.

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