The potential threat of extreme wind conditions such as typhoon to the safety and reliability of wind turbines is one of the technical reasons that restrict the development of offshore wind power in China. Due to extreme weather conditions such as typhoons and hurricanes that were encountered in European countries (see Figure 1), the international specifications of the wind power industry led by them failed to consider the adverse effects of such wind conditions on wind turbines. Under the overall framework of international wind power industry regulation, it is of great significance to carry out the research and development of key technologies with the characteristics of wind resources in China.
Typhoon has the characteristics of large wind speed, rapid changes in wind speed and wind direction, and large turbulence. How to accurately predict the highly nonlinear structural response of wind turbines under extreme wind conditions is an important challenge facing the international academic community. The existing research mainly adopts reverse engineering research methods, and through the observation of structural damage in the field, combined with wind monitoring data, qualitative analysis of the unit's damage causes. These research results have provided valuable experience for the structural safety of wind turbines in China. Since the damage cases have different characteristics, the accuracy and universality of the research conclusions need to be further explored.
To address this issue, researchers at the National Energy Wind Blade Research and Development (Experimental) Center of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed a more systematic analysis method (see Figure 2). Combining the three-dimensional analysis of the three-dimensional wind field aerodynamic calculation, the complete machine aeroelastic analysis, and the nonlinear structural damage analysis, it accurately predicts the destruction of key components (towers and blades) of wind turbines in an emergency shutdown state under strong typhoon action. Patterns, damage locations, and critical wind speeds and wind directions (see Figures 3, 4, 5). This system analysis method and forecasting technology provide reference for structural safety assessment and structural reliability design of wind turbines in extreme wind conditions in China.
Associate researcher Chen Xiao was invited to attend the TORQUE 2016 International Conference and gave an oral academic report at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, systematically expounding the latest progress of the center in the structural damage prediction of wind turbines. With this as an opportunity, the National Energy Wind Blade Research and Development Center of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics and the Wind Energy Center of the Technical University of Munich signed an international cooperation agreement in the field of high-performance modeling and prediction technology for wind turbines; at the same time, the researcher Zhang Mingming was selected into the international academic journal Wind. Associate Editor, Energy Sciences. The research results were published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. The research work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

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