Problems in paying attention to crop fertilization in vegetable protection areas

Vegetable protection areas include greenhouses and greenhouses. Because the environmental conditions and crop cultivation methods in the protected area facilities are different from those in the open field, the fertilization technology is different from the fertilization of the open vegetables.

(1) Due to the high utilization efficiency of the soil in the protected area, the vegetables take a lot of nutrients from the soil every year, so the amount of fertilizer should be increased and the various nutrients that have been taken away by the crops should be reasonably returned.

(2) When fertilizing, it should prevent the occurrence of soil nutrient inconsistency, soil salt accumulation, soil acid-alkaline imbalance and other factors caused by unreasonable fertilization, and try to apply less fertilizer with less sub-components.

(3) Combine the cultivation measures to effectively determine the application method of fertilizer, minimize the accumulation and loss of fertilizer in the soil, and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer.

(4) Pay attention to balanced fertilization, put NPK and various medium and trace element fertilizers in the same important position, enhance the immunity of crops, and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

From:Liaozhong Agricultural Information Network
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